Modern Slavery Statement
Updated 25 November 2024
This statement outlines Periscope Corporation’s (Periscope) commitment to preventing modern slavery, human trafficking, and related abuses within our operations and supply chain.
Our Modern Slavery Policy and Statement was implemented on 25 November 2024 and is reviewed annually by our Board of Directors. This disclosure is made in accordance with the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018.
About Periscope
Periscope provides business-to-business (B2B) software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions to customers in Australia and overseas. Based in Melbourne, we develop a configurable business platform focused on delivering businesses with robust governance, risk and compliance management solutions.
Assessing risk and mitigating modern slavery​
Periscope assesses the risk of modern slavery within its supply chain and in the delivery of its services as low.
In reaching this determination, Periscope has considered the nature of its business, its employment model, and the measures it has put in place to source suppliers of repute.​
Supplier accountability and reporting mechanisms​
Periscope actively encourages all employees to report any suspected unethical or illegal practices by suppliers. Periscope’s supplier contracts explicitly require compliance with all relevant local laws and regulations, including those concerning human rights and modern slavery. If any supplier fails to meet these standards, Periscope reserves the right to terminate the contract.
Ongoing commitment and future actions​
Periscope recognises that the fight against modern slavery is ongoing. Periscope remains committed to continuously reviewing and strengthening its policies, procedures, and operational practices to further prevent human trafficking and forced labour in all areas of its business and supply chain.