Periscope Developments Periscope is continuing to work with its clients to roll out its latest software release which was highlighted in last month’s update. It is anticipated that all clients will have migrated to the latest version over the coming two weeks. What is Trending? Some of Periscope’s recent client activities are briefly described below:
Periscope has been working with an existing client to enable the public to submit complaints using a Periscope anonymous link on the client’s website. Once the complaint is submitted then a series of workflows will be triggered to initiate response to and closure of the complaint. This is being integrated within the existing complaints management module.
Periscope has been working with an existing large client to integrate the tracking of audit and insurance actions into its existing action management system. A comprehensive workflow, notification and reporting system has been developed to support timely closure of actions.
One of our clients recently received high praise from a Government auditor in relation to the physical security of its facilities and the reports that were able to be generated in response to standard questions. The facilities inspection module includes the ability to generate reports that respond to key questions and include photos of the facility, a location map and the evacuation plan.
A current water authority client is exploring the use of Periscope’s complaints management module to manage complaints in accordance with its policy requirements.
One of Periscope’s clients spoke highly of the level of engagement that has been achieved in rolling out the Periscope mobile incident reporting app. The number of hazards and incidents recorded in the last month or so is almost the same as were recorded in the previous 12 months using another system. The best piece of feedback the client received at a training session was “Is that it?” recognising the ease of incident capture through the App.
Periscope has continued discussions with one of its clients to provide additional incident data classification and experiment with the use of artificial intelligence for capture of incident information within its incident reporting system.
Periscope submitted a case management system for consideration by a state government integrity organisation. Periscope will present on its solution in the coming weeks.
Periscope has presented to two not for profit organisations in the last month covering incident reporting, risk management and compliance modules. There is significant interest in having incident reporting systems that reflect regulatory requirements and can readily exchange data with Government department incident reporting systems. Periscope currently operates a highly complex incident reporting system covering multiple states and government programs each with unique reporting requirements with a large not-for-profit client.
Periscope has recently been contacted by a rural water authority for the provision of a risk management system.
Periscope has been requested to discuss its risk and audit management system with a Victorian State Government department.
Periscope Case Study – Checking in with your data
Periscope has recently spoken to a couple of clients about checking in with their data. While significant data sets are being captured and reported upon, by analysing the trends that the data is showing, clients can use this information to learn and improve business operations. This shift from solely capturing and reporting to learning and improving is a fundamental attribute of innovative organisations.
One of the common discussions Periscope has with clients is to ensure that any data field has an appropriate return on investment (i.e effort required to capture data versus benefits realised by capturing that data). Ideally the data fields should serve multiple purposes such as workflow triggers, email notifications and internal/external reporting. These critical data fields should generally be made mandatory to ensure data integrity and completeness. There are several instances where client data sets have been patchy reducing the value of such data, which as a consequence can produce misleading or incomplete reporting generated through data visualisation and reporting tools such as Power BI, Tableau and Amazon Quicksight.
Periscope also encourages the use of standard data sets across forms and other applications to allow the data to be better connected and give greater power in the organisation to use big data analytics and artificial intelligence applications such as machine learning. These high integrity and valid data sets can then be used effectively for storytelling. While currently this is done manually there are some great artificial intelligence applications being developed (which are currently quite expensive) that can create automated storytelling. One company that does this is shown in the following link and AWS also has some of these features in its Quicksight reporting offering.
Some recent examples of data trends we have discussed with clients include:
An analysis of risk causes (this client has a standard library of risk causes), which shows that three individual causes contribute to between 20% and 33% of the total risks identified. These three risk causes can be specifically addressed to materially reduce the risk profile
The performance in completing audit actions – this has improved since the introduction of the software where the number of overdue completed (red bars) items have been replaced with a significant number of green bars (completed on or before time)
SLA performance KPIs for freedom of information which has shown a significant improvement since the implementation of the software
Historic incident data capture to be used for rolling averages and year on year trending information which will be shown in health and safety reports including trends in various injury types and treatments.
It is important to move beyond simple data capture towards becoming a learning organisation, as well as celebrating success when improvements are achieved. Please also find a very informative article by PwC about creating value from your business data As always, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or 03 9882 1896, if there are any matters you would like to discuss.